Lesson 1 - This Lesson was about Knocking down Myth's about Maths and about Why people don't like Maths and how They couldn't do well in Maths because of that. I think I benefited from this Lesson because I like don't really like Maths so... yeah.
Lesson 2 - In this Lesson It tells you about fixed mindsets and about how you have to have a growth mindset to do well and learn in Maths. I benefited from this Lesson because I normally have a fixed mindset on things and this really helped me to grow my mindset a bit.
Lesson 3 - This Lesson was about how you have to make mistakes to be able to Learn because you learn from your mistakes this was also about how you don't need to be fast at Maths to be a good maths mathematician and the best ones are the ones who think the question through and take there time. I benefited from this Lesson because I thought that when I make mistakes they are bad but now I know that you Benefit from it.
Lesson 4 - This Lesson was about Number Flexibility I don't really remember what this was about but in this Lesson it included That talking with other people about the question is good. I benefited from this because now I talk over the question with other people so We can actually go deeper into the Question.
Lesson 5 - In this Lesson we learnt about Accomplishment and they interviewed a Person from google and he talked about accomplishing. I benefited from this Lesson because I know what accomplishment is and I know what I have to do to reach a goal that I have set.
Lesson 6 - In this last Lesson it was about finding the Patterns in math and spotting them in other things like Nature I personally think that this was my most favourite lesson because we weren't just looking at math but the outside world to we also looked at spiders. I benefited from this Lesson because I now know that there is not just a little bit of math in Nature but it is practically based on Maths.
Well I guess I'll see you next time Bye π
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